Celebrating Extraordinary Black Women Leaders Transforming Corporate America
In a world where diversity and inclusion are increasingly in the spotlight, it’s imperative to recognize and celebrate the remarkable achievements of Black women leaders who are leaving an indelible mark on corporate America. As champions of progress, Diversity Woman Magazine created the Elite 100 to honor these trailblazers during Black History Month – a cohort of exceptional Black women who are reshaping the landscape of corporate leadership.
Year after year, we witness the undeniable rise of Black women in corporate America, and 2024 is no exception. These extraordinary women are rewriting the narrative, challenging conventions, and proving that gender and ethnicity should never be barriers to success.

The Faces of Change
The Elite 100 Class of 2024 is a testament to the significant strides made by Black women in the C-suite and executive leadership positions. Among this impressive group are 10 CEOs representing Fortune 500, Fortune 1000, Fortune Global 500, S&P 500 companies, and prominent nonprofits. Their influence knows no bounds as they navigate complex transformations, lead remote teams across the globe, foster innovation through visionary programs, champion diversity, equity, and inclusion, and ensure the profitability of their organizations.
In sectors ranging from finance and technology to entertainment and healthcare, these corporate luminaries are carving out their legacies. Their stories of achievement and resilience inspire not only the present but also the generations to come.
“These remarkable women are not just deserving of recognition; they represent a resounding rebuttal to the misconception that qualified Black women executives are a rarity in boardrooms and corner offices. This list, along with the impressive women of 2021, 2022, (and 2023) dispels that myth entirely. We are intentional about honoring a fresh cohort of Black women executive leaders each year.”
Dr. Sheila Robinson, Founder of Diversity Woman Media
A Defining Selection Process
The Diversity Woman Elite 100, Class of 2024, spotlights exceptional Black women leaders in both the private and public sectors. The honorees occupy senior-level and executive officer positions, overseeing global, national, and regional divisions, subsidiaries, organizations, and enterprises. Their leadership track records are characterized by tangible results and a commitment to enhancing company culture.