How Many Of These Foods Did You Know Could Kill Your Dog?

Our canine companions bring immense joy into our lives, and it’s our duty to ensure their well-being. However, certain everyday foods found in our homes can pose serious risks to their health. Here’s a look at foods that should never be fed to dogs or left within their reach.

To be prepared, have contact details of your local veterinarian, the nearest emergency clinic, and the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435) at hand.

Onions & Garlic

sick dog with vets.
Image credit didesign021 via Shutterstock.

Onions and garlic, in any form (raw, cooked, even dehydrated powders), can destroy a dog’s red blood cells, leading to poisoning and potentially fatal anemia. These ingredients should not be included in any food given to your pet if present in significant amounts.

That said, you will find certain products or homemade recipes that contain a very small amount. Use caution and discuss with your vet.


Toddler, lollipop and pug.
Image credit EBPhoto via Shutterstock.

Xylitol, commonly found in sugar-free products (candy, gum, medicines, soda, etc.), can lead to a rapid drop in blood sugar levels and liver failure in dogs. Symptoms may include vomiting, lethargy, and coordination issues. Immediate medical attention is necessary if ingestion occurs.

Chocolate Hazard

Dog with chocolate.
Image credit rfranca via Shutterstock.

Theobromine, present in chocolate, can be toxic to dogs. It can induce vomiting, diarrhea, and even fatal heart problems. All forms of chocolate, particularly dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate should be kept out of their reach.


avocado and guacamole.
Image credit Larisa Blinova via Shutterstock.

Avocados contain persin, a toxin that can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Ingesting the avocado pit may result in life-threatening intestinal obstructions. It’s essential to keep avocado flesh and pit away from dogs.


Photo credit: Reshetnikov_art mrwed54 via Canva.

Even small amounts of alcohol can cause severe health issues in dogs, such as vomiting, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, and even coma or death. It’s imperative to ensure that alcoholic beverages are inaccessible to pets.


Photo credit: Damedeeso via Canva.

Excessive salt consumption can lead to sodium ion poisoning in dogs, resulting in symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures. It’s best to avoid feeding dogs snacks with high salt content.

Coffee & Caffeine

woman with coffee and dog on her lap.
Image credit Tetiana Ladigyna via Shutterstock.

Caffeine-containing products like coffee, tea, cocoa, and energy drinks should be kept out of reach of dogs, as they can be fatal if ingested.

Grapes & Raisins

Dog with grapes.
Image credit Vadzim Mashkou via Shutterstock.

Ingesting grapes or raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. Symptoms may include vomiting, lethargy, and weakness. Immediate veterinary assistance is necessary if ingestion occurs.

Macadamia Nuts

sick dog.
Image credit Gladskikh Tatiana via Shutterstock.

Even a small quantity of macadamia nuts can induce symptoms like muscle shakes and weakness in dogs, potentially leading to death. It’s crucial to keep all foods containing macadamia nuts out of their reach.

Milk & Dairy Products

dog eating ice cream.
Image credit Ellina Balioz via Shutterstock.

Dogs lack the enzyme necessary to digest lactose, making dairy products like milk a potential cause of digestive discomfort. While small amounts may be tolerated, it’s best to avoid feeding them to dogs.

Yeast Dough

Bread rising.
Image credit Olga Markova via Shutterstock.

Consumption of yeast dough can lead to gastric bloating and potential ethanol intoxication in dogs. It’s essential to ensure that yeast dough is not accessible to pets to prevent such emergencies.

Be Prepared

dog with vet.
Image credit Yana Vasileva via Shutterstock.

Accidents can happen despite precautions. Keep emergency contacts easily accessible in case of suspected ingestion of toxic substances. Prompt action can save your dog’s life in such situations. Put this on your fridge: ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435).

Understanding The Surge In Veterinary Costs: Is It Becoming Too Expensive To Have A Pet?

Vet, woman and dog.
Image credit SeventyFour via Shutterstock.

If you own a pet, we bet you have noticed that veterinary care costs are escalating, leaving many of us with sticker shock and struggling to secure timely appointments. There are reasons for this burgeoning phenomenon; we unveil the many factors steering this surge. Read: Understanding The Surge In Veterinary Costs: Is It Becoming Too Expensive To Have A Pet?

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  • Dede Wilson Headshot Circle

    Dédé Wilson is a journalist with over 17 cookbooks to her name and is the co-founder and managing partner of the digital media partnership Shift Works Partners LLC, currently publishing through two online media brands, FODMAP Everyday® and The Queen Zone.

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