
Understanding the Surge in Veterinary Costs: Is It Becoming Too Expensive To Have A Pet?

If you own a pet, we bet you have noticed that veterinary care costs are escalating, leaving many of us with sticker shock and struggling to secure timely appointments. There are reasons for this burgeoning phenomenon; we unveil the many factors steering this surge.

Why the Elusive Vet Appointment?

vet looking in beagle's ear.
Image credit Beach Creatives via Shutterstock.

Pet care demands have increased substantially, evidenced by a notable 6.5% spike in appointments in 2021 alone. Projections indicate a staggering 33% increase in US pet healthcare spending by 2030, foreshadowing an intensified strain on veterinary services. As the demand grows, the existing pool of approximately 116,000 practicing veterinarians, predominantly engaged in companion animal practice, faces an insurmountable challenge. By 2030, a shortfall of nearly 41,000 veterinarians looms large, exacerbating the existing shortage conundrum.

Pets: Members of the Family

woman and cat at vet. female vet.
Image credit Gorodenkoff via Shutterstock.

Pets are integral family members deserving top-notch care. Pet owners demand high quality and advanced veterinary services. Consequently, the market dynamics adjust to accommodate these elevated expectations, exerting an upward pressure on costs.

We Pay For Technological Advances

vet holding Xray.
Image credit ORION PRODUCTION via Shutterstock.

Veterinary medicine has undergone a metamorphosis, propelled by technological advancements. The arsenal of diagnostic tools, surgical procedures, and treatment modalities has expanded exponentially, paving the path for enhanced care standards. However, this evolution bears a hefty price tag, necessitating specialized training, maintenance, and purchase of state-of-the-art equipment.

Escalating Drug Costs

Giving a dog a pill.
Image credit Liudmyla Guniavaia via Shutterstock.

Parallel to human pharmaceuticals, veterinary drugs have increased in cost, driven by market dynamics and regulatory mandates. The scarcity of certain medications coupled with demand further fuels this price spiral, amplifying the financial burden on pet owners.

Balancing Overheads and Operational Costs

Male vet with dog.
Image credit Gorodenkoff via Shutterstock.

Operating a veterinary clinic is a multifaceted financial endeavor. From payroll for diverse staff, from veterinarians, technicians, and administrative personnel, to shouldering expenses pertaining to rent, utilities, insurance, and equipment maintenance, the overheads trickle down to increased costs to us, the pet owners.

Specialized Care and Referrals: A Niche Demand

woman tending to sick dog.
Image credit DimaBerlin via Shutterstock.

Certain pet medical needs necessitate specialized interventions, extending beyond general practitioners. From cardiology, oncology, neurology to dentistry, the spectrum of specialized care mandates referrals to experts or referral centers, entailing escalated fees commensurate with their expertise.

Emergency Care: A Pricey Imperative

woman and dog with female vet.
Image credit Prostock-studio via Shutterstock.

Pet emergencies happen and necessitate round-the-clock access to veterinary care. Running emergency and after-hours facilities entails extra staffing, heightened risk mitigation strategies, and intensified resource allocation, thereby inflating the associated costs. Us pet owners feel the pinch.

Preventive Measures: Pet Care Insurance

Vet, woman and dog.
Image credit SeventyFour via Shutterstock.

Many pet owners opt for proactive preventive care and wellness plans, encompassing routine checkups, vaccinations, screenings, and dental prophylaxis. While instrumental in preempting health adversities, these measures add a supplementary financial strain to routine pet care budgets.

That said, most reviews and studies say it is worth it in the long run. Articles by Forbes, USA Today and Costco all come to the conclusion that pet health care insurance is worth looking into, especially when the dog is young. Start it as soon as you can.

Geographical Variances

rich lady with dog.
Image credit Jacob Lund via Shutterstock.

The cost of veterinary care does vary depending on where you live. Like other aspects of life, it is dependent on regional cost of living, competition density, regulatory stringency, and taxation nuances. Consequently, pet owners living in high-cost regions should expect higher veterinary care rates.

Catering to Diverse Pet Owner Preferences

Cat sleeping on person's lap.
Image credit larisa Stefanjuk via Shutterstock.

Pet owner expectations and preferences are driving up costs as well. Preferences as varied as communication channels, care modalities, and holistic versus conventional treatment paradigms all push costs skyward.

Remedial Measures

female vet holding puppy and kitten.
Image credit FamVeld via Shutterstock.

Efforts are underway to mitigate this veterinary cost conundrum. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) spearheads initiatives aimed at augmenting veterinary workforce capacity, advocating for policy reforms, and fostering innovation in care delivery modalities.

What Steps Can You Take?

Dog licking vet's face. Female vet.
Image credit Nuva Frames via Shutterstock.

The first step is understanding why veterinary costs are escalating – and then taking a look at what you might be able to do to bring the costs down. Look into insurance, shop around to compare costs, and perhaps be flexible on certain aspects of a veterinary practice’s offerings. For instance, you might want your vet to be able to text, but if they don’t have that service, and the care is top notch and affordable, it might be the best choice for you.

You May Want To Read: Having A Child Shouldn’t Cause Financial Catastrophe

Mom and child making Easter eggs.
Image credit Evgeny Atamanenko via Shutterstock.

In the wealthiest country on earth, welcoming a child should be a joy for families — not a financial trauma. I had a baby in 2021 and quickly learned how parenting and child care expenses add up. My husband and I had saved up for months to afford my unpaid maternity leave — I kept working even after my water broke because we needed every penny. It was a dream come true to have a career that I was proud of and finally be welcoming a child into our lives.

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  • Dede Wilson Headshot Circle

    Dédé Wilson is a journalist with over 17 cookbooks to her name and is the co-founder and managing partner of the digital media partnership Shift Works Partners LLC, currently publishing through two online media brands, FODMAP Everyday® and The Queen Zone.

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