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Taking Control: Proov Helps Women Navigate Fertility and Perimenopause On Our Own Terms

Throughout our lives, we women are dealing with hormonal levels and how they affect us physically and emotionally. The desire to start a family and understand our own fertility is a powerful part of many of our journeys, and again, later during perimenopause when all kinds of new fluctuations can appear, hormones are again at the front and center of our health. All too often, we do not have the ability to understand or monitor these hormonal fluctuations without expensive, often unavailable or insufficient medical intervention. But now we do, thanks to Dr. Amy Beckley, a PHD Scientist, and her Proov at-home hormone test kit system.

Image credit The Queen Zone

When we learned about Proov we knew that every single woman could benefit, and we were intent on spreading the word.

If you are struggling with infertility or entering perimenopause and wondering about how to manage symptoms, we have great news for you because Dr. Beckley has created tools that put the power in your hands to make decisions about your own health.

Now, more than ever, when there are increasing restrictions on access to health care, and health care specific to women, the more we can empower ourselves the better, and that is what Proov is all about.

Amy, thank you so much for talking with us.

What inspired you to create Proov?

Dr. Buckley: I struggled with fertility issues and recurrent miscarriages for years and was told my only chance to be a mom was to do expensive in vitro fertilization (IVF). After having my first child after 2 rounds of IVF, it inspired me to find solutions to conceiving and holding a pregnancy that did not involve IVF. For me that meant discovering I actually had low progesterone levels. A simple supplement helped me immensely in my fertility journey, and I was able to conceive my second child naturally. I took this information and wanted to help others as well. That’s how Proov came to be as a hormone health company.

As I am approaching the next stage of my life where perimenopause and menopause are on my mind, I want to help women navigate this part of their lives as well. Perimenopause is not really talked about, yet it’s something that nearly 50% of the world’s population will go through. I wanted to give women the ability to know what their hormones are doing and how they are affecting their daily lives, as well as provide potential solutions to help them.

I wanted to give women the ability to know what their hormones are doing and how they are affecting their daily lives, as well as provide potential solutions to help them.

Dr. Amy Beckley

Please tell our community about Proov tests and how they work. What specific biomarkers do they measure?

Both our perimenopause and our fertility tests look at the same hormones over time to give women a comprehensive look into their hormone health and provide personalized insight into how a woman’s changing hormones could be impacting her overall health and wellness.

The noninvasive, multi-time point urine tests measure four key hormones (FSH, estrogen marker E1G, progesterone marker PdG, and LH) that impact a person’s wellbeing.

Proov Empower incorporates evaluations of menstrual cycle changes and perimenopause symptoms to identify a woman’s perimenopause stage and give the full picture of her perimenopause status. The app also provides personalized solution recommendations, including a referral to trusted clinical partners if needed.

On the fertility side, ovulation is more than a “yes/no”. It’s possible to release an egg but still not have enough progesterone – the hormone released after ovulation – to support implantation. Proov measures a hormone marker released after ovulation, called PdG, that supports implantation and tracks it during the implantation window, which can give women more insight than a standard ovulation test.

How does Proov differentiate itself from other fertility and ovulation tests on the market? How about tests that help women understand perimenopause?

Our tests and our company overall are designed to be with women throughout their lives. Our hormones play a huge role in our journeys and can be very debilitating and are often the source of a lot of stress for us. Many tests on the market take a “single use” approach, where you take the test, get the results, and go on your way. Our hormones don’t work like that, so neither should our tests. We want to provide a comprehensive analysis that takes into account the natural fluctuations your hormones can have to give a more thorough and accurate look into your hormone health from your first period to your last.

How was Proov developed? What were some of the key challenges you faced? 

Photo credit: Proov

I knew I wanted to create a better way to test hormones, but we didn’t have money or know any investors, so I turned to Upwork to design a logo and built a product deck with PowerPoint. I made the first Proov prototype in my basement and when that worked, we created an IndieGoGo campaign. We raised over $40k from women who wanted to also understand their hormones better, and Proov was born.

Along the way, there were many hills to climb to get Proov to where it is today. There are your normal business growing pains, like finding and hiring the right team and fine-tuning apps and websites, but we also have regulatory hurdles from the FDA since we are a medical device. We also required a lot of funding to expand our business to include other test types and our new Proov Empower menopause testing system.

However, our biggest challenge would be unpacking the stigma and breaking down the misconceptions surrounding women’s health. There is a lot of misinformation out there about women’s bodies and a lot of people think they know better than women themselves. Additionally, a lot of women we have spoken to have had negative experiences with doctors, which does not help. We want to create a space where women can have the tools they need to know what their bodies are doing.

We want to create a space where women can have the tools they need to know what their bodies are doing.

Dr. Amy Beckley

What scientific principles underlie the Proov tests, and how reliable are results?

When used correctly, an ovulation test has an approximate 99% accuracy rate of detecting LH in urine. However, even though ovulation test accuracy is incredibly high, some women can have LH surges that do not result in ovulation. For women who have highly irregular periods, like those with polycystic ovarian syndrome (POCS), these surges can be harder to track. Women taking antibiotics or birth control can also have less-than-accurate results since the added hormones or medicine can affect your ovulation test.

Additionally, ovulation tests predict ovulation, they don’t tell you if you did ovulate. PdG testing kits can be used to confirm successful ovulation at home.

For perimenopause, the Proov Empower test measures the four major players: FSH, LH, E1G (Estrogen Marker), and PdG (Progesterone Marker). They are measured multiple times throughout your cycle, providing a deeper and more detailed view of your hormonal health. The system is also the only test on the market that helps women correlate their symptoms to their hormones to help them understand how fluctuating hormone levels cause unwanted side effects.

Proov is FDA Cleared. Tell us about that clearance process and why it is important.

Getting FDA clearance is a long and arduous process, but we feel a necessity to bring accurate and user-friendly testing kits to market. The FDA has strict guidelines and requirements that must be met for clearance. This includes demonstrating safety and efficacy through extensive lab studies and user research. Testing includes multiple phases. The review process involves experts from various fields, including pharmacology, toxicology, and medicine, who thoroughly evaluate the application. This can take years to do. It is incredibly important that health products are held to high standards and review, so it was very important for us to go through that process to become FDA cleared.

What kind of feedback have you received from the medical community regarding Proov’s effectiveness and accuracy?

We received really positive feedback from the medical community overall. Hesitancy comes from a lot of clinicians because of the single-use aspect of a lot of testing kits. Because our kit is used over the course of an extended period of time, it gives a more accurate look into what a person’s hormones are doing. As a general rule, the medical community was happy to see additional resources available for their patients to help them get through infertility and/or menopause with ease.

Can you discuss any ongoing research or clinical studies involving Proov?

Proov is a science-backed company, and we strongly believe that more research needs to be done to understand women’s health. It is just recently that women were even included in clinical trials, but still to this day, in most trials, women need to be postmenopausal or on birth control, so we know little about hormones and how they affect the female body. We have worked with several companies and research institutes to provide hormone testing kits to understand the menstrual cycle under stress, extreme exercise, during disease states, and at high altitudes. We have several ongoing studies and support research as often as we can.

In your opinion, how does having access to tools like Proov empower individuals in managing their fertility and reproductive health?

So many women feel like they are going crazy, they are imagining things when it comes to their bodies. These feelings can be reinforced by society and even doctors, who we are supposed to be able to trust completely. Having access to information is incredibly important when it comes to our health. This insight can give women more bodily autonomy, more ability to make informed decisions about their bodies. When women have more knowledge, they have more freedom. Proov gives women that freedom to make decisions about their health and can give them answers.

When women have more knowledge, they have more freedom.

Dr. Amy Beckley

What are the broader social implications of providing women with more control and information about their reproductive health?

Providing women with more control and information about their reproductive health significantly empowers them. This empowerment leads to improved public health outcomes, as women can make informed choices about contraception, pregnancy, and overall reproductive health, reducing health risks and unwanted pregnancies.

The broader social implications include healthier families, stronger communities, and a more equitable society where women can fully participate and contribute. 

How does Proov align with current political and healthcare debates surrounding women’s reproductive rights and access to healthcare?

Access to healthcare is critical for any healthy society. Human bodies are complex and require nuance to understand and treat. At the end of the day, our goal, our mission, is to help women. We take women’s health seriously and want a society that does the same.  Unfortunately, women and women’s health has been a topic that has been ignored, misunderstood, and vilified throughout history.

At Proov, we are committed to offering accessible information and innovative healthcare options that support women’s autonomy and informed decision-making.

We take women’s health seriously and want a society that does the same.

Dr. Amy Beckley

Have you observed any shifts in societal attitudes toward fertility and reproductive health since the introduction of products like Proov?

Increased access to advanced reproductive health solutions and comprehensive information has led to an overall greater awareness and openness about these topics which historically have been the source of a lot of stigmas. People are now more proactive in managing their reproductive health, and discussions around fertility have become less stigmatized.

What future developments do you envision for Proov and similar fertility tracking technologies?

We want all women with a cycle to understand and know its unique power. Oftentimes women dread their periods due to pain, cramps, or heaviness. Instead, we want to educate them about the benefits of balanced hormones on their memory, heart health, bone health, fitness, skin, and weight. Hormones are the key to living a long and healthy life. The more women understand them and take action to balance, the more they will thrive and be the best people they can be. Someday we want to be able to empower all women, from their first period to their last.

Is there a plan to increase the accessibility and affordability of Proov for a broader range of individuals?

Our goal is to make Proov accessible to anyone who wants or needs it. now, we have really worked to choose cost-effective options to ensure that the price is more affordable. All our tests are urine-based instead of blood-based, which means they can be done at home and at about 1/10th the cost of a blood test. In the future, we would like to have a greater range of options to increase that accessibility for women.

What role do you think technology will play in the future of reproductive health and fertility management?

We currently leverage a lot of technology, especially with our app, which just recently had a huge makeover. The future of health will be a future of technology. Telehealth, apps, technologies like watches or rings, and all sorts of ways to track and analyze our health will continue to become more sophisticated in order to meet the needs of the tech-driven world we find ourselves in today. Women turn to their phones as a source of information and data collection. Therefore, our app provides them with access to their reproductive health with just a swipe of their fingers.

Are there any specific goals or milestones you’re aiming for with Proov in the next few years?

My goal is for Proov to be the hormone health tool for women. No matter what her need is, I want to have a solution or a tool for her from her first period to the last. The solution is not just products; it is also education. We need better and more accessible education for all girls, starting years before their first period.

Has your journey with Proov influenced your perspective on women’s health and healthcare in general?

I have gained a deeper understanding of the unique challenges women face in managing their reproductive health and their hormonal health. I have also seen how transformative, informed, supportive care can be on women’s lives. This has reinforced my belief in prioritizing women’s health in the broader healthcare landscape, advocating for greater awareness, education, and access to essential health services.

What advice would you give to women navigating their fertility journey, especially those facing challenges?

First of all, I hear and see you. I went through many years of miscarriages and infertility myself and understand how emotionally draining it can be. If you are currently navigating a fertility journey, I would say that finding things in your life that bring you joy and happiness is important. You are going through a stressful and emotional time in your life, and having outlets that bring you peace and happiness are so important.

I would also say finding a community of people who support you is important. That can be a doctor, your family, your friends, health coaches, or online support. Having people in your corner is key to helping you not feel alone, because you are not.

It is also okay not to be okay. Let yourself cry, scream, or ask a loved one for a shoulder or ear to listen to you. No one said this would be easy, and you are not a failure or any less of a woman. Those negative thoughts tore me down, and I wish I had not held all that pain in myself but rather told people what I was going through so they could better support me. 

Proov fertility test
Photo credit: Proov

And for women entering perimenopause, what are your words of wisdom?

I would say, “You’re not crazy! What you are experiencing is real.” So many women brush off symptoms and even think that they are imagining things. There are so many symptoms, and they can vary in intensity and time. These symptoms can also be debilitating and isolating. Finding a community of women to talk with can help but knowing that what you’re going through is real is important to taking the next step to treating symptoms. Menopause is inevitable, feeling like sh*t is not.

Menopause is inevitable, feeling like sh*t is not.

Dr. Amy Beckley

Can you share any success stories from Proov users that particularly resonate with you?

My very own little sister came to me when she and her husband wanted to start trying for a baby. She was getting negative Proov tests, so I coached her on what to talk to her doctor about. She was able to get put on a medication that allowed her to get pregnant on her very first cycle and not have a single miscarriage. I was so happy I was able to use my past to save my little sister from the pain of infertility and loss. My nephew is now 4, and I spent a glorious week with him last month. I just can’t imagine life without him. He is my single most important thing to come out of Proov.

Finally, what message would you like to share with individuals who are considering using Proov or who are interested in taking charge of their reproductive health?

Answers are out there; you are not alone, and we are in your corner to help you find those answers. You can always check out our website for more information. I post a lot of blogs about the science behind fertility and perimenopause to help women as well if you are interested in reading more about women’s health. We are a tool for you, and we want to be a resource you can count on no matter where you’re at in your journey.

You are the expert in yourself. Find a doctor who will understand you and work with you. You are paying them for a service, and if you feel the service is not living up to your expectations, fire them and get someone else. Life is too short to waste it on people who refuse to listen.


  • Robin Jaffin headshot circle

    As the co-founder and managing partner of the digital media partnership Shift Works Partners, LLC through two online media brands, FODMAP Everyday® and The Queen Zone she has played a pivotal role in promoting dietary solutions for individuals with specific needs in the health and wellness industry as well as amplify the voices and experiences of women worldwide.

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  • Dede Wilson Headshot Circle

    Dédé Wilson is a journalist with over 17 cookbooks to her name and is the co-founder and managing partner of the digital media partnership Shift Works Partners LLC, currently publishing through two online media brands, FODMAP Everyday® and The Queen Zone.

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