
These Countries Have The Most Permissive Abortion Laws

This syndicated article was originally published on Expatsi.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022 and end nearly half a century of precedent, American women have sought out countries to move to where reproductive rights are protected. It’s rarely the sole factor in an aspiring emigrant’s decision to leave the U.S., but it’s a significant one.

International law regarding abortion varies considerably and can involve time limits and other legal grounds, but these are countries where abortion is legal or largely protected.


Beach in Albania.
Image credit Aleksandar Todorovic via Shutterstock.

Albania will permit abortion on request up to 12 weeks after conception; 22 weeks on economic grounds, rape, or risk to health; and no limit on fetal impairment.

Learn more about moving to Albania


Woman with face painted. Women's rights.
Image credit Laura Rivas via Shutterstock.

Argentina will permit abortion up to 14 weeks on request or fetal impairment. It sets no limits on abortion for rape or risks to the mother’s life and mental health.

Learn more about moving to Argentina


Sydney Australia harbor drone shot.
Image credit xwasiolka via Shutterstock.

Australia allows for abortion on all grounds with no cutoff date. The Northern Territory (NT) requires approval by medical professionals to get an abortion on request.

Learn more about moving to Australia


Young woman in Austria laying on grass. Image credit frantic00 via Shutterstock.
Young woman in Austria laying on grass.

Austria allows for abortion up to three months for economic or social reasons, rape, and on request. There’s no limit for fetal impairment or risk to mother’s health.

Learn more about moving to Austria


women in colorful dress from Belarus.
Image credit SviatlanaLaza via Shutterstock.

Belarus allows for abortion up to 12 weeks of pregnancy on request, 22 weeks for rape, social or economic grounds, and no limit for other reasons (fetal impairment, preserve health/life).


Woman sitting on fence in Belgium.
Image credit RossHelen via Shutterstock.

Belgium allows for abortion on up to 14 weeks after last menstrual period for request, economic reasons, or rape. There’s no limit on abortion access for fetal impairment or health of the mother.

Learn more about moving to Belgium


Harbor in Bulgaria.
Image credit SCStock via Shutterstock.

Bulgaria grants abortion by request or for economic reasons up to 12 weeks. Abortion is allowed up to 20 weeks when needed to protect women’s health. It sets no limits on fetal impairment or risk of mother’s life.


Royal palace in Cambodia.
Image credit saiko3p via Shutterstock.

Cambodia allows for abortions up to 12 weeks by request or risk to health. There’s no limit on risk to life, fetal impairment, or rape.


Woman hiking in Canada.
Image credit attilio pregnolato via Shutterstock.

Canada will grant an abortion for all reasons without time limits.

Learn more about moving to Canada


Family eating in China.
Image credit Brostock via Shutterstock.

China strives to protect abortion access throughout pregnancy. The country’s abortion law will grant the procedure for all reasons without time limits.


Colorful street in Colombia.
Image credit rocharibeiro via Shutterstock.

Colombia marks the first appearance for Latin America on this list. By judicial decision, Colombia allows abortions up to 24 weeks for economic reasons or by request. There’s no limit on abortion for other reasons (rape, risk to health, fetal impairment).

Learn more about moving to Colombia


Woman in Cyprus.
Image credit FOTOGRIN via Shutterstock.

Cyprus will grant abortions for request or economic reasons up to 12 weeks after conception. It allows up t0 19 weeks for rape victims and permits the procedure for health or fetal impairment.

Czech Republic

Mother and daughter in Czech Republic.
Image credit Alliance Images via Shutterstock.

The Czech Republic allows abortions up to 12 weeks for request, economic reasons, or rape. There’s a 24-week limit for risk to parental health and no limit for risk to life or fetal impairment.

Learn more about moving to Czechia


Woman riding bike in Denmark.
Image credit Vlad Teodor via Shutterstock.

Denmark grants abortions by request up to 12 weeks after conception; this limit is waived for minors and those unable to care for the child properly. There’s no limits on other reasons for the procedure, such as protecting the mother’s mental health.

Learn more about moving to Denmark


Woman in blue hat in Estonia.
Image credit George Trumpeter via Shutterstock.

Estonia allows abortion up to 12 weeks for rape, economic reasons, or by request. This limit goes up to 22 weeks for women under 15 or over 45. Abortion is allowed for risk of health or fetal impairment up to 22 weeks for all.

Learn more about moving to Estonia


Blonde woman in Finland.
Image credit Ranta Images via Shutterstock.

Finland grants abortion by request up to 12 weeks after conception. There’s a 20-week limit for rape or economic reasons, 24 weeks for fetal impairment, and no limit for risk to parent’s life or health.

Learn more about moving to Finland


Couple holding hands in Paris.
Image credit oneinchpunch via Shutterstock.

France allows abortion up to 14 weeks for rape, socioeconomic reasons, or by request. No term limit applies for fetal impairment or risk to parent’s health or life.

Learn more about moving to France


Bridge in Georgia.
Image credit Leonid Andronov via Shutterstock.

The eastern European country of Georgia grants abortions up to 12 weeks for economic reasons or by request. There’s a 22 weeks cutoff for other reasons for abortion, including rape, parental health, or fetal impairment.


Woman in Germany.
Image credit Zigres via Shutterstock.

Germany will grant an abortion up to 12 weeks if the woman requests it, reports economic reasons, suspects fetal impairment, or is a victim of rape. The country sets no limits on abortion to protect the mother’s health or life.

Learn more about moving to Germany


Seaside town in Greece.
Image credit SCStock via Shutterstock.

Greece will grant an abortion up to 12 weeks on request or for economic reasons. Minors and rape victims can get an abortion up to 19 weeks after conception. Greece doesn’t set limits on abortion to protect the mother’s health or life.

Learn more about moving to Greece


Iceland pride march.
Image credit Gianfranco Vivi via Shutterstock.

While Iceland reports a 22-week limit on abortions by request, there’s no limits on other reasons for the procedure. In practice, this likely translates to abortion on demand through gestation.

Learn more about moving to Iceland


Red head Irish girl with freckles.
Image credit Alessandro Romagnoli via Shutterstock.

The Republic of Ireland sets a 12-week limit on abortion by request, for rape, or social-economic reasons. Ireland allows abortion for fetal impairment. There’s no gestational limits when the parent’s health or life is at risk.

Learn more about moving to Ireland


Canal in Venice Italy.
Image credit muratart via Shutterstock.

Italy allows abortions by request up to 90 days after conception; the same limit applies for economic reasons, fetal impairment, or victims of rape. No gestation limit applies when abortion’s needed to protect the physical or mental health of the mother.

Learn more about moving to Italy


Latvian women in field.
Image credit Dace Spalvina via Shutterstock.

Latvia, the Baltic nation, grants abortions up to 12 weeks for rape, fetal impairment, economic reasons, or on demand. This becomes a 24-week limit when the mother’s health is at risk. No term limits apply when the mother’s life is at risk.

Learn more about moving to Latvia


City in Lithuania.
Image credit airrisha via Shutterstock.

Latvia’s southern neighbor Lithuania grants abortion access up to 12 weeks for economic reasons, victims of rape, and on demand. It eliminates term limits for fetal impairment, risk to health. There’s also no gestational limits for women over 49 years old or children under 13.

Learn more about moving to Lithuania


Image credit Radu Cadar via Shutterstock.

The small European country of Luxembourg establishes a 14-week limit for abortions on demand, victims of rape, and economic reasons. No gestation limit applies for fetal impairment or risks to mother’s health.

Learn more about moving to Luxembourg

The Netherlands

Netherlands. Amsterdam.
Image credit Yasonya via Shutterstock.

The Netherlands grants abortions for victims of rape up to 24 weeks after conception; the same limit applies for economic reasons and abortion on demand. The Dutch allow the procedure through all weeks of pregnancy for fetal impairment or to preserve health.

Learn more about moving to the Netherlands

New Zealand

Maori women New Zealand.
Image credit Text and Tulip via Shutterstock.

Named Aotearoa by its Māori natives, New Zealand’s liberal abortion laws grant access on demand up to 20 weeks after conception. Women can get the procedure under any other circumstance without term limits.

Learn more about moving to New Zealand

North Macedonia

Couple in North Macedonia.
Image credit Nikola Spasenoski via Shutterstock.

Found in Southeastern Europe, North Macedonia grants abortions on demand up to 12 weeks after conception. This increases to 22 weeks for fetal impairment, rape, or economic reasons, though this limit can be waived in some cases. No term limit applies when abortion is required to protect the mother’s life or health.


woman in Norway in orange hat.
Image credit Hanhalo Yehor via Shutterstock.

Norway sets a 12-week gestation limit for abortion on demand. This rises to 22 weeks for economics, fetal impairment,  or sexual assault victims. No limit applies when the mother’s health is at risk.

Learn more about moving to Norway


Woman in traditional Romanian headscarf.
Image credit Gabriel Preda RO via Shutterstock.

Romania establishes a 14-week limit for receiving an abortion by request. All other reasons for abortion, including economic burden, are offered without restrictions.

Learn more about moving to Romania


Russian city. Kremlin.
Image credit f11photo via Shutterstock.

Russia allows abortions for economic reasons or on demand up to 12 weeks after conception. There’s a 22-week cutoff for victims of sexual assault, and sets no limits for mother’s health or fetal impairment. We strongly discourage US expats from moving to Russia while it wages war on Ukraine.


Woman looking at city in Singapore.
Image credit Jo Panuwat D via Shutterstock.

Singapore grants abortion access up to 24 weeks for economic reasons, rape, or on demand; there’s no limit on abortion for fetal impairment or mother’s health.

Learn more about moving to Singapore


Castle in Slovakia.
Image credit Radu Cadar via Shutterstock.

Found in central Europe, Slovakia grants abortion access up to 12 weeks by request, for sexual assault victims, and economic reasons. No limit applies when abortion protects the mother’s life or fetal impairment is detected.

Learn more about moving to Slovakia

South Africa

Two women from South Africa.
Image credit Sabrina Bracher via Shutterstock.

South Africa gives abortion on demand up to 12 weeks; up to 20 weeks for parent’s health, socioeconomic reasons, and rape victims; and no limit for fetal impairment or the physical or mental health of the mother.

Learn more about moving to South Africa

South Korea

Mother and daughter in South Korea.
Image credit Tint Media via Shutterstock.

South Korea grants abortion access up to 24 weeks to protect mother’s health or victims of rape. Judicial decision allows abortion under all other circumstances without defined gestational limits.

Learn more about moving to South Korea


Seville Spain.
Image credit SCStock via Shutterstock.

Spain, one of the best destinations for US expats, establishes a 14-week abortion limit for rape, economics, and by request. There’s a 22-week cutoff for fetal impairment or risk to mother’s well-being.

Learn more about moving to Spain


two people in Sweden.
Image credit Maridav via Shutterstock.

Sweden grants abortion access during all weeks of pregnancy to protect the physical or mental health of the mother. It sets an 18-week limit for abortion on demand.

Learn more about moving to Sweden


Woman in Switzerland.
Image credit mcroff88 via Shutterstock.

Switzerland allows abortion on demand up to 12 weeks after conception; the same limit applies for fetal impairment and sexual assault victims. The Swiss grant abortion at any time to protect the mother’s life and health.

Learn more about moving to Switzerland


Night scene in Thailand.
Image credit 1307758597 via Shutterstock.

Thai law grants abortion-on-demand access for the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Thailand offers abortion without limits for other health-related reasons (parental health, fetal impairment, rape).

Learn more about moving to Thailand


Street in Tunisia.
Image credit K.Ladjimi via Shutterstock.

Africa’s northernmost country, Tunisia allows abortion on demand up to three months post-conception. There’s no limit on abortion to protect the mother or for fetal impairment.


Family in Ukraine.
Image credit 312596009 via Shutterstock.

Ukraine secures 12 weeks of on-demand abortion for women aged 15-45. In all other cases, this reproductive procedure is available up to 22 weeks.


Uruguay street scene.
Image credit Todamo via Shutterstock.

Another appearance for Latin America, Uruguay allows abortion on demand up to 12 weeks after conception. There’s a 14-week limit for victims of rape, while women can seek an abortion throughout pregnancy for fetal impairment or to protect their own health.

Learn more about moving to Uruguay


Woman in Vietnam.
Image credit Viewfoto studio via Shutterstock.

Vietnam offers a 22-week window to get an abortion by request. Vietnamese law permits the procedure throughout pregnancy for all other causes to preserve health of the mother.

Learn more about moving to Vietnam


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